Stamp Collecting is a Hobby for Everyone!
Few hobbies match the flexibility of stamp collecting. It is suitable for nearly all ages. You can collect stamps all 12 months of the year regardless of the climate where you are located. It does not require any special skills or great wealth. Some individuals begin as young as age 4 and continue for their entire life.
Next Meeting
- April 28, 2025 at 7:30 PM
- 50/50 raffle (optional)
- Attendance prize drawing
- Business Meeting
- Member Item Auction (Jan-Oct)
- Member Presentation or Activity
- Agenda:
11400 Olde Cabin Road
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Next Presentation
- Beatles on Stamps by Barb Horter
- April 28, 2025 at 7:30 PM
It might be a Hard Day’s Night (or NOT) when Barb presents her topical stamps!
What to collect?
This is a very personal and difficult topic. We strongly encourage you to join your local stamp club and discuss this with the other members. Ask 100 stamp collectors and you will get 110 different answers! The APS has a great “What to Collect” page to help you decide.
Basic tools you will need to get started with your Stamp Collection!
Swedish Tiger: US (1847-1938)
1847Home: US (1847-2019)
Removing Adhesive Stamps
How to remove self adhesive stamps off of paper (US stamps after 1994)