Category: Did You Know

Did you Know? (Nov. 2023)

RW13a, bright rose pink color error, turned out to not be an error at all, but a chemically altered changeling. After several decades and thousands of dollars changing hands, modern technology was finally able to prove that this error never existed. The listing was removed from the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers in 2016.

Did you Know? (July 2023)

The Scott Catalog for US stamps does not use numbers 520-522. This is because those numbers first listed the first three airmail stamps, which are today C1-C3 before airmail stamps received the “C” as part of their number and their own section in the catalog. The editors never went back and reused these numbers after the move. Oops?

Did you Know? (June 2023)

The APS Summer Seminar in Philately first began in 1980. Contrary to the belief of some, it never was actually named Stamp Camp. However, in 1990 the term Stamp Camp first appeared in The American Philatelists. This lasted until 1994 after which the named just stopped being used. The name still lingers today as many still refer to Summer Seminar as Stamp Camp.