Other Clubs and Organizations

Missouri Stamp Clubs

Greater Mound City Stamp Club
APS 0334-029614

4th Monday
7:30 PM

Kirkwood Community Center
111 South Geyer
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Webster Groves Stamp Club
APS 1475-175688

1st & 3rd Friday
8:00 PM

First Congregational Church
10 West Lockwood
Webster Groves, MO 63119

St. Louis Bears – Philatelic Exhibitors
APS 1592-223154

2nd Monday
7:30 PM

Contact Secretary for current location

Monsanto Stamp Club
APS xxx

4th Wednesday
7:30 PM

St. Paul’s Evangelical Church
9801 Olive Blvd
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Missouri Precancel Club
APS xxx

3rd Wednesday
6:00 PM

Dinner at 5:00 PM
Webster Groves, MO

St. Louis Chapter #24
German Philatelic Society

3rd Tuesday
7:00 PM
Contact: Marcus Meyerotto

3801 Watson Rd
St. Louis, MO 63109

Midwest Philatelic Society
APS 0010-000826

1st Saturday
1:30PM – 4:00PM

Waldo Branch Library
201 E 75th St
Kansas City, MO 64114

Columbia Philatelic Society
APS 0763-060765

3rd Tuesday

Boone Landing Activity Center
109 North Keene Street
Columbia, MO 65201

Check for updates at MoPhil.org

Kingdom Philatelic Association
APS 0702

3rd Thursday

Callaway Electric Coop Energy Center
1313 Cooperative Drive
Fulton, MO 65251

National Stamp Organizations

American Philatelic Association

The American Philatelic Society is the largest, non-profit organization for stamp collectors in the world. Founded in 1886, the APS serves collectors, educators, postal historians, and the general public by providing a wide variety of programs and services. Membership in the American Philatelic Society offers a wide variety of benefits and services, including the monthly journal, The American Philatelist.

American Topical Association

The American Topical Association promotes topical stamp collecting and the educational and recreational aspects of this hobby by; encouraging the collection, research and study of topical stamps and their subjects, providing for the exchange of ideas among members, worldwide, developing and publishing books, checklists, and audio-visual programs and other educational material, holding or participating in philatelic exhibitions and assisting members in acquiring and disposing of collections.

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors

The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors exists to share and discuss ideas and techniques for improving standards of exhibit preparation, judging, and the management of exhibitions. We serve the entire range of people who work or have an interest in one or more of these fields; whether novice, experienced, or just beginning to think about getting involved. Through pursuit of our purposes, it is our goal to encourage your increasing participation and enjoyment of philatelic exhibiting, and to ensure the health of this part of our hobby.

American First Day Cover Society

The American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS) is a volunteer organization serving the needs of First Day Cover collectors, cachetmakers, and dealers. Founded in 1955, the society has a membership of over 1,100 active first day cover collectors, including many who design and manufacture their own cacheted FDCs.

American Air Mail Society

The American Air Mail Society (AAMS) is the second oldest aerophilatelic society in the world, presently with about 800 members worldwide. The Society promotes aerophilately through its publications, member auctions and an annual meeting held at major local and national stamp shows. It also holds a major airmail show every four or five years at the American Philatelic Society headquarters in Bellefonte, PA.

The Precancel Stamp Society

Precancels are postage stamps that have been canceled before being used on letters or packages. Typically they are stamps cancelled with two lines, and the city and state where they were mailed. There are many ways you can collect them, and most of them are very affordabible. Above all, the best part of collecting precancels are the other great collectors you’ll meet along the way.

International Stamp Organizations

Stamp Dealer Organizations

American Stamp Dealers Assoc

American Stamp Dealers Association

The American Stamp Dealers Association, Inc. is a professional organization serving philately and its dealers since 1914. We are dedicated to promoting integrity, honesty, and reliability in the hobby. We are the hobby builders.

Midwest Stamp Dealers Association

No matter what your philatelic needs, here you will find 70 MSDA member dealers ready to serve you!

National Stamp Dealers Association

Here you can meet NSDA dealers and find out about stamps and cover collecting. You will find the resources to locate the stamps or covers you need for your collection, or to sell collections you have inherited or lost interest in.

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