Did you Know? (February 2025)
One stamp on each of the first 8 of 10 panes of the U.S. Celebrate the Century series is engraved. However the last two panes in the series do not have an engraved stamp. Whaaat???
One stamp on each of the first 8 of 10 panes of the U.S. Celebrate the Century series is engraved. However the last two panes in the series do not have an engraved stamp. Whaaat???
The first government-issued stamp to depict an airplane was US Scott #Q8 in 1912. However, that is not the first stamp to depict an airplane. That distinction belongs to US Scott #CL2, an airpost semi-official stamp privately issued in 1991. It is known as Rodgers Aerial Post.
The smallest stamp in the world was issued by Bolivar in 1863. It was a mere 3/8″ x 1/2″
The federal government first taxed playing cards in 1862 to support the Civil War. Except for 11 years (1883-1894), the tax remained in effect until it was repealed in 1965.
The 15 cent Z grill, Scott #85F, hammered down last month at a Siegel auction for $2.65 million, $1.05 million less than the 1 cent Z grill, Scott #85A There are only two of these to exists, but unlike the 1 cent Z grill, both #85F are available to the public. One stamp makes a million-dollar difference!
Do you know? The country that has issued the fewest stamps is the Ionian Islands. They issued a grand total of 3 stamps in 1859. They were then swallowed up by (ceded to) Greece in 1864 and the stamps were no more.
Did anyone figure out the answer to last month’s did you know? The answer is bundle or bundleware.
In 1893, France issued its first stamps for a single French colony, Obock, with scenes that reflected the colony.
The first postage stamps issued in St. Louis with a first day of issue ceremony were the Louisiane Purchase Exposition Issue (Scott #323-327) on 30 April 1904.
Gary “Geddy” Lee, the lead singer for the rock group Rush, is an avid lifelong stamp collector.