

The PREXIE AWARD is the GMCSC’s highest award. It is presented to a club member whose contributions to the club have far exceeded what would normally be expected from members of a volunteer organization. The award is presented at the discretion of the Club President.

Club Member Philatelic Awards and Recognition

APS Top Recruiters 2020 – Alex Haimann (8/8/2021)


The GMCSC Members are frequently recognized Expertise or for a Specialized Area of Collecting.

Phil Schorr
My Topics: Roses
by Dawn Hamman
Topical Times, Jan-Feb 2015
pg 33

Christina Esbeck
My Topics: Cupcakes
by Don Neal
Topical Times, Nov-Dec 2018
pg 36-37

Lesa Morgan
My Topics: Accordions
by Don Neal
Topical Times, Jan-Feb 2020
pg 36-37


Our GMCSC Members are frequently recognized for Philatelic Exhibiting.

ExhibitorExhibit TitleCategoryAwardShowAdditional Awards
Alan R. BaraschCanada's Maritime ProvincesMultiframeGoldHOGPEX 1990
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1902Single FrameSilverSt Louis Stamp Expo 1996
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1902MultiframeVermeilMIDAPHIL 2005
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1936MultiframeGrand and GoldHOGPEX 1989
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1952MultiframeSilverVAPEX 1979
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1952MultiframeGrand and GoldHUNTSPEX 1982
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 1878-1952MultiframeGoldCOLOPEX 1982
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 19th Century Penny RedsSingle FrameSilverAmeriStamp Expo 2001
Alan R. BaraschFalkland Islands: 19th Century Penny RedsSingle FrameVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2013
Alan R. BaraschFDCs of World Refugee Year 1960MultiframeGoldALAPEX 1978
Alan R. BaraschHugo Schlottfeldt CorrespondenceSingle FrameBronzeSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2015
Christina EsbeckCupcakesYouthGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2019American Topical Association Youth Award
Christina EsbeckCupcakesYouthLarge VermeilGreat American Stamp Show 2021
Christina EsbeckCupcakesYouthGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2022Youth Award
Christina EsbeckCupcakesSingle FrameYouth AwardSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2023American Topical Association Youth Award
Christina EsbeckCupcakesSingle FrameLarge GoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2023Youth Award
Christina EsbeckCupcakesSingle FrameYouth GrandSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2023American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE)
Christina EsbeckCupcakesYouthGrandGreat American Stamp Show, Cleveland OHAmerican Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Youth Champion of Champions
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2009American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Novice Award Missouri Exhibitors Award Most Popular Award
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2010United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2013Missouri Exhibitors Award
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2014United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2016United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award
G. Scott WardUse of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2017USSS Statue of Freedom
Gary HendrenRural Free Delivery - The First 25 YearsMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2010Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award
Gary HendrenRural Free Delivery - The First 25 YearsMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2011American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
Gary HendrenRural Free Delivery - The First 25 YearsMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2012
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Pioneer Air Mail, Oct 4-8, 1911Single FrameGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2016
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Pioneer Air Mail, Oct 4-8, 1911Single FrameLarge GoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2017The American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence, 1900-1940
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Pioneer Air Mail, Oct 4-8, 1911Single FrameGrand and GoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2019American Airmail Society Gold
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Pioneer Air Mail, Oct 4-8, 1911Single FrameLarge Gold & Single Frame ChampionSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2022
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915MultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2009American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915MultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2013
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2014Missouri Exhibitors Award United States Cancellation Club Award
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2015American Philatelic Congress Award Missouri Exhibitors Award
Gary HendrenSt. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915MultiframeLarge GoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2018Postal History Society Award
Gary HendrenTwisted Caps - Twisted MailSingle FrameSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2013American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Award
Jerry SchultzThe Lesser Known Talents of Czeslaw SlaniaSingle FrameSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2018Polonus Philatelic Society Silver Polonus Society Novice Award Germany Philatelic Society Special Prize
Marcus MeyerottoHyperinflation in Germany in November 1923MultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2015
Marcus MeyerottoHyperinflation in Germany in November 1923MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2016Germany Philatelic Society Gold
Marcus MeyerottoHyperinflation in Germany in November 1923MultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2019Germany Philatelic Society Gold Collectors Club of Chicago
Marcus MeyerottoImprinted Telegram Receipts of PolandSingle FrameSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2010
Marcus MeyerottoImprinted Telegram Receipts of PolandSingle FrameVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2012
Michael MarianThe Length and Breadth of RotarySingle FrameBronzeSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2011
Nathan EsbeckDevelopment of Special Delivery Service for Incoming Foreign MailSingle FrameVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2022
Nathan EsbeckNecessity for, and Application of Section 774.3 of the 1907 Postal Laws & RegulationsSingle FrameVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2018
Nathan EsbeckByrd's Second Antarctic ExpeditionMultiframeLarge SilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2023
Patick MorganCachetmaker: Tom Mueller (First Days)Philatelic LiterartureLarge VermeilSarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30
Patrick MorganCachet Media: Oil PaintOne-pageCertificate2023 ATA My One-Page Exhibiting Program
Patrick MorganCachet Artist: Verna Mann - That Cover ArtistPhilatelic LiteratureVermeil2023 Great American Stamp Show, Cleveland OH
Robert OgrodnikBattle of Grunwald Commemorated by Polish PhilatelyMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2012American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor Polonus Philatelic Society Silver
Robert OgrodnikPoland: First Airmail Issue after WWIISingle FrameSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2009
Robert OgrodnikPoland: First Airmail Issue after WWIIMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2012Polonus Philatelic Society Silver Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award
Robert OgrodnikProduction and Use of the Polish Air Mail Issue of 1946MultiframeLarge VermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2018Polonus Philatelic Society Gold American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
Tom MinorA Bicentennial of American ArchitectureSingle FrameVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2005
Tom MinorCinderellas of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase ExhibitionMultiframeGoldLinPex 2005 Lincoln Neb
Tom MinorCinderellas of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase ExpositionMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2003
Tom MinorCinderellas of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase ExpositionMultiframeVermeilSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2004
Tom MinorPoster StampsSingle FrameSilverStampFest 2000
Tom MinorPoster Stamps (an illegal display)Single FrameBronzeSt. Louis Stamp Expo 1999
Tom MinorPoster Stamps: Selling ItMultiframeGoldAPS Stampshow 2001Best Charity/Cinderella Sherwood Springer Memorial Award
Tom MinorPoster Stamps: Selling ItMultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2002
Tom MinorPoster Stamps: Selling ItMultiframeGoldSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2004
Tom MinorWar PropagandaMultiframeGoldAPS StampShow 2008
Tom MinorWar PropagandaMultiframeSilverSt. Louis Stamp Expo 2009

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