Saint Louis Stamp Expo Committee members by Year:
Saint Louis Stamp Expo Committee members by Name:
People Behind the Scenes
Larry Weisz
Larry Weisz was a member of the Mound City Stamp Club in 1993 and answered David Kols’ call for volunteers. Larry has been in charge of Expo security ever since. David insisted on having uniformed off-duty officers at all shows, and Larry has handled that. If you know Larry, you know that he is a very nice person and dedicated philatelist, but you might not know about his love of cars and his sense of humor. This story requires a bit of 1980s trivia knowledge: After buying a Rolls-Royce, Larry went by Regency for some reason and offered to take Penney Kols for a ride in his new vehicle. After Penney got in and before taking off, Larry asked her to open the glove compartment, where she found a jar of Grey Poupon. Larry claimed it came with the car, but that is questionable.
Robert “Bob” Stahl
September 26, 1941 ~ April 1, 2022
Bob Stahl was a USPS official in St. Louis and knew David Kols from working together as part of the shows’ support by the USPS. After retiring from a 42-year career at the USPS, Bob worked and supported the youth programs at Expo. He does not show up as having been on any Expo committee because he never wanted any appearance of a conflict of interest with his former USPS position. Bob’s efforts are still worthy of mentioning.