Saint Louis Stamp Expo – First Day Ceremonies

St Louis Stamp Expo (EXPO) Show has been the host of several of the USPS’s Official First Day of Issue Ceremonies over the years of the show. Hosting one of these ceremonies is an honor and is a special event where the USPS, the stamps designers, philatelists, and special philatelic organizations are gathered to introduce a new stamp to the country.

If you are interested in more information about First Day of Issue Ceremonies check out:

American Ceremony Program Society (ACPS)

Links to:
Virtual Ceremonies



5363-5366 w/USPS cancelation

5367-5370 w/2019 Expo cancelation


Nathan Esbeck
Master of Ceremonies

Babatunde Deinbo
Mayor, Berkeley, MO

Diana Nygaard
Acting Postmaster of St. Louis, U.S.P.S

Unveiling of the
Wedding Blloms Stamp

Presentation of both the
Wedding & Celebration Blloms Stamp

Estelle Bell
Customer Relations Coordinator, U.S.P.S.

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