Author: Pat Morgan
Prexie Award Winner: 2022

What is Auction Bux

What is Auction Bux

In order to help encourage the club member participation the club has a reward program we call Auction Bux.

Auction Bux are collected throughout the year from January to November and are recorded at each club meeting on each members personal Auction Bux sheet.

Bux are earned by:

  • Attending Club Meetings,
  • Presenting,
  • Writing Articles for the Newsletter (Perf-Dispatch),
  • Volunteering at STL Stamp Expo and Stampfest,
  • Participating in Philatelic Jeopardy at the Oct Club Meeting, and
  • Many others

Auction Bux Auction:

At the November Club Meeting a Special Auction is held where lots of interesting items are auctioned off. 

The Auction rules are like normal except that Auction Bux are frequently not equivalent for real dollars.  People seeing only 1 item they want may pay crazy amounts of Auction Bux to get it, some prearranged sharing or donating Bux to your friends can often throw wrinkles to your bidding strategy. 

The Auction is just for fun so be prepared for some craziness!

Posted in FAQ
What to expect at a club meeting

What to expect at a club meeting

When you come in:

  • EVERYONE: Sign the Attendance Sheet for a chance at a $10 Voucher to use at the Stampfest Show in Aug of each year. Pick your number carefully.
  • EVERYONE (Optional): Buy a 50/50 Raffle ticket for $1 per entry (you can always buy more to improve your odds).
  • MEMBERS: Put on your Membership Badge.  Your Membership # is on the back which you will use for the Auction.
  • MEMBERS: Grab your Auction Bux tracking sheet.
  • EVERYONE: Find a seat, talk to the other members, and look over the Auction Lots (Jan-Oct).

The Meeting:

  1. The presiding officer will call the meeting to order.
  2. The 50/50 drawing will be held and you will hear the same old jokes about the red ticket and the first 4 numbers being the same for everyone and the harassment of the winner having won again!
  3. The 50/50 winner will then draw a chip for the attendance prize where you will again hear more of the same old jokes “again”, “rigged,” and how much the winner owes the 50/50 winner for having drawn the chip with the # you selected on the Sign in sheet!
  4. The President will request approval of the last meeting minutes if anyone has even read them.
  5. President will give any updates for the club
  6. Treasures will present the club’s finance report. 
  7. Secretary will provide the Secretary report
  8. Vice President will provide a report and introduce any new members or guest
  9. Club Auction is then held.
  10. A club member will make a Presentation on any Philatelic-related topic.
  11. The meeting is adjourned.

 When you leave:

  • MEMBERS: Return Badge and Auction Bux sheets to the front table.
  • EVERYONE: Get home safe.
Posted in FAQ
GMCSC Members Only Material

GMCSC Members Only Material

This content is only available with a paid membership to the Greater Mound City Stamp Club.  If you are club member please log in.

If you are not yet a club member, please consider taking advantage of our "eMember" account which is only $10/yr. and gets you an account and access to the content which led you to this page.   We'd love to have you join the club.


Click Here to Join Now

Delete Bogus Member from Directory?

When a bogus member creates a profile and never pays the Directory entry must be deleted! The reason that we want these deleted as they have never been a member and none of the data is valid or useful. DELETE AWAY!!


  1. Login as an officer
  2. know the name of the bogus person to delete.


  1. Login as an officer
  2. Search to the Directory: Member Only Resources -> Directory
  3. Search for the bogus person you want to delete (Figure 1. e.g., “Delete Me”)
  4. Click on the persons cover image (do NOT click on the “Edit Profile” button)
  5. Locate the Settings Icon (Figure 2.)
  6. Click “Delete this user.”
  7. Confirm the deletion
  8. After the user is deleted, you will be returned to your own profile.
Figure 1. Locate the bogus person

Figure 2. Delete this user.

Deactivate “Former” Member from Directory?

When the member fails to renew their membership, “Deactivate the Account” rather than delete the account. The reason that we do not delete former members is so that if they renew their membership late, they can easily be “reactivated.”


  1. Login as an officer
  2. know the name of the person to deactivate.


  1. Login as an officer
  2. Search to the Directory: Member Only Resources -> Directory
  3. Search for the member you want to deactivate (Figure 1. e.g., “Dan Lindsay”)
  4. Click on the members cover image (do NOT click on the “Edit Profile” button)
  5. Locate the Settings Icon (Figure 2.)
  6. Click “Deactivate this account.”
  7. Note the account is now Inactive (Figure 3.)
Figure 1. Locate the Former Member

Figure 2. Deactivate this account.

Figure 3. Confirmation of the Inactivation.