Category: 6. Website Instructions

GMCSC Members Only Material

GMCSC Members Only Material

This content is only available with a paid membership to the Greater Mound City Stamp Club.  If you are club member please log in.

If you are not yet a club member, please consider taking advantage of our "eMember" account which is only $10/yr. and gets you an account and access to the content which led you to this page.   We'd love to have you join the club.


Click Here to Join Now

Add a Location

Add a Location


  1. Login and Admin/Officer
  2. Location Name (Title)
  3. Street (Address)
  4. City (City/Town)
  5. State (State/County)
  6. Zip Code (Postcode)
  7. OPTIONAL: Image of the Venue (Featured Image)


  1. From the Dashboard navigate to EVENT->LOCATION
  2. Click on “ADD LOCATION” button
  3. Type the Name of the venue in the Title Field
  4. Scroll down to the Address Section
  5. Enter the Street address in the “Address” field
  6. Enter the City name in the “City/Town” field
  7. Enter the State in the “State/County” field
  8. Enter the Zip Code in the “Postcode” field
  9. Optionally you can upload and add an image of the venue as the “Featured Image”, generally there is not an image added
  10. Click on the “Publish” button
GMCSC Members Only Material

GMCSC Members Only Material

This content is only available with a paid membership to the Greater Mound City Stamp Club.  If you are club member please log in.

If you are not yet a club member, please consider taking advantage of our "eMember" account which is only $10/yr. and gets you an account and access to the content which led you to this page.   We'd love to have you join the club.


Click Here to Join Now

Delete Bogus Member from Directory?

When a bogus member creates a profile and never pays the Directory entry must be deleted! The reason that we want these deleted as they have never been a member and none of the data is valid or useful. DELETE AWAY!!


  1. Login as an officer
  2. know the name of the bogus person to delete.


  1. Login as an officer
  2. Search to the Directory: Member Only Resources -> Directory
  3. Search for the bogus person you want to delete (Figure 1. e.g., “Delete Me”)
  4. Click on the persons cover image (do NOT click on the “Edit Profile” button)
  5. Locate the Settings Icon (Figure 2.)
  6. Click “Delete this user.”
  7. Confirm the deletion
  8. After the user is deleted, you will be returned to your own profile.
Figure 1. Locate the bogus person

Figure 2. Delete this user.

Deactivate “Former” Member from Directory?

When the member fails to renew their membership, “Deactivate the Account” rather than delete the account. The reason that we do not delete former members is so that if they renew their membership late, they can easily be “reactivated.”


  1. Login as an officer
  2. know the name of the person to deactivate.


  1. Login as an officer
  2. Search to the Directory: Member Only Resources -> Directory
  3. Search for the member you want to deactivate (Figure 1. e.g., “Dan Lindsay”)
  4. Click on the members cover image (do NOT click on the “Edit Profile” button)
  5. Locate the Settings Icon (Figure 2.)
  6. Click “Deactivate this account.”
  7. Note the account is now Inactive (Figure 3.)
Figure 1. Locate the Former Member

Figure 2. Deactivate this account.

Figure 3. Confirmation of the Inactivation.
How to: [Events_List]

How to: [Events_List]

Next Club Meeting:

<ul><li><strong>February 24, 2025 at 7:30 PM</strong><ul>Agenda:<br />
  • 50/50 raffle (optional)
  • Attendance prize drawing
  • Business Meeting
  • Member Item Auction  (Jan-Oct)
  • Member Presentation or Activity
Dielmann Recreation Center<br />11400 Olde Cabin Road<br />Creve Coeur, MO 63141</ul></li></ul>

Next Club Presentation:

<ul><strong>Confederates by Ron McVay</strong><ul>

Learn about Confederate Stamps from one of our Club Experts!

<li>February 24, 2025 at 7:30 PM</li>
Category NameCategory SlugID #
Club Meetingsgmcsc-member-meeting20
Club Member Only Events
Member Presentationsgmcsc-philatelic-stamp-presentation25
Philatelic Auctions (Local)philatelic-stlouis-auction-stamps21
Philatelic Auctions (Other)philatelic-other-auction-stamps22
Philatelic Educationphilatelic-education117
Philatelic Events/Shows (Local)philatelic-stlouis-stamp-event-show23
Philatelic Events/Shows (Other)philatelic-other-stamp-event-show24

Events Manager Documentation (